Tuesday, October 12, 2010

NIKKI & I (short version)

Nicole Diana Marie Sanger was born on July 28, 1986 after a lengthy stay in the hospital due to me developing Pre-Eclampsia during my pregnancy. She was my first baby and I thought that I was having a boy. Well, I was quite surprised when my baby girl arrived @ 5:34 p.m. She was cutest little baby I had ever seen and I was thankful that I had finally gotten to meet her.
I was 7 months pregnant when I was admitted to hospital and I was severely sick with Toxemia to the point where I was placed in the Critical Care Unit and watched 24/7 due to a large amount of swelling/fluid on my body. Another facet of Toxemia is extremely high blood pressure and the doctors had said on many occasions that I had been knocking on heaven's door. But I guess, it takes alot to kill me because I am still here. The doctors told my family that I was close to death and the baby needed to come out as all of my organs were at risk as well during the whole pregnancy. The baby was very healthy but I was the sick one.
But we both survived the ordeal and I recovered nicely after my blood pressure stabilized which was quite awhile after the birth before they allowed me to go home. The only reason they allowed me to go home then, was because I told them that I would rest, so they sent me home with blood pressure meds.
While I was in the hospital, I wasn't allowed to have any visitors, I wasn't allowed to do anything. I would brush my hair, and my blood pressure would hit the roof. I would go to the bathroom and my blood pressure would hit the roof, if I sat up to eat, took a shower, anything, the slightest thing, and my bp would go sky high.
Visitors had snuck in to see me on a few occasions but were immediately asked to leave. I remember feeling very sad when this would happen. All of my friends wanted to see me and came in from Lewisporte to do so only to be told by the doctors that they had to leave because her blood pressure was uncontrollably high and she could go into convulsions at any minute.
It was a scary time and a rewarding time all at once. All of my hard work of excercising because I had heard that it would help when I went into labor, didn't pay off at all because the pains were excruitiating and unbearable. But as I said, I was rewarded with the sweetest little gift.
I was only 17 but I was a good mom or at least I think I was. I had to adjust to not being able to go out as I once was able to, because I had alot more responsibility than my friends did, but mom was pretty good and let me go out on nights because they were staying home anyway.
Now, 24 years later, and there she is. All grown up. She's not a little girl anymore. She has grown into a beautiful young woman who I am extremely proud of. She rewards me through her success, through her caring nature for her family, her kindness, her sense of humor...and to be able to see me in her at times is kinda neat too.
I do find it hard at times because she is away but I also understand that she has her own life to live and it is her choice where she wants to live it to.
As long as I can get to see her every now and again, I'll be happy.
Nikki has her own Hairstyling Salon and is doing very, very well. She has quite the following of clients and she doesn't even have to leave her house which is a bonus, short commute to work and you can't beat it in my mind.
For the most part, we get to talk almost every day either on the computer, through texting or phone calls.  She lives in Fort McMurray with her boyfriend and they have an English Bull dog named, Felix.  He is bigger than she is and he is quite comical to say the least.  I know that he is in love with my daughter because he doesn't let her out of his sight.  But I can see why.  She talks to him the same as she would talk to a human and he loves the attention.So this is just a short version of my daughter, a little bit about her and the circumstances surrounding her birth.
Thanks for reading,



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  2. I was in a car accident in 1999. Back surgery for ruptured discs failed. Pain in neck, back, chest, hands, hips, knees, and elbows. Headache, I take Prevacid every day for IBS. Pain meds and antidepressants help take away some of the pain. Acupuncture and aqua therapy helped, but had to stop when I went back to work. Always tired and achy. I am thankful my condition was eventually diagnosed and given a name. Quite a few "former" doctors indicated it was all in my head. My internal barometer can predict the weather better than most meteorologists.

